Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hurley's Howdy

Brought to you by the letter H.

Hooooowwwwdy, everyone.

I'm just Hangin at Home, wishing I could Hop and play outside.
I thought this would be a good time to tell you about some of my favorite Habits:

* Helping (I'm a big Helper!)
* sleeping
* jumping on the couch when my mom isn't looking. HaHaHa!!!
* licking
* fixing my Hair (Gotta look good, you know.)
* wagging my tail
* eating
* chewing
* guarding the house from Harm
* Hanging out with my mom
* digging in the trash

Hope you have a great day, kids! Tell my mom I want Hamburgers for supper!


PS. Here's my baby picture. Just in case you needed to know just How cute I am!