Monday, November 29, 2010

The Big Feast

Colorful leaves fall in the crisp cool air. Pumpkins decorate doors, and everyone pulls out their sweaters. Thanskgiving is here!

The turkey cooked in the oven for hours, making wonderful smells fill the air. YUM! My family and I had a great thanksgiving feast full of delicious food. When it was over, I was stuffed.

But, that didn't stop me! I had to have a piece of my favorite pie- buttermilk pie.

When it was over, we all laid on the couches and watched the A&M/Texas game. Most of my family rooted for the Aggies, who won.

How was your thanksgiving?

Monday, November 1, 2010

Running in the Dark

Friday after school I had many things to do. I worked on many things in the classroom, trying to make sure that everything was ready for Monday.

By the time I made it to my aunt's house, the sun was going down. Quickly, I changed into some old sweats, a sweatshirt and my running shoes. When we stepped outside, a cold blast of air hit me in the face. The sky was dark, like pitch black.

We took off running. Our shoes hit the road quick and with a rhythm- pit-pat, pit-pat, pit-pat. Even though we knew our shoes were on the ground, we couldn't see them because it was so dark.

The air was still, no trees were moving, and animals were sleeping. Before I knew it, the run was over and our cheeks were red from the cold. It was a great workout, and I can't wait for next time!

How was your weekend?