Monday, November 29, 2010

The Big Feast

Colorful leaves fall in the crisp cool air. Pumpkins decorate doors, and everyone pulls out their sweaters. Thanskgiving is here!

The turkey cooked in the oven for hours, making wonderful smells fill the air. YUM! My family and I had a great thanksgiving feast full of delicious food. When it was over, I was stuffed.

But, that didn't stop me! I had to have a piece of my favorite pie- buttermilk pie.

When it was over, we all laid on the couches and watched the A&M/Texas game. Most of my family rooted for the Aggies, who won.

How was your thanksgiving?

Monday, November 1, 2010

Running in the Dark

Friday after school I had many things to do. I worked on many things in the classroom, trying to make sure that everything was ready for Monday.

By the time I made it to my aunt's house, the sun was going down. Quickly, I changed into some old sweats, a sweatshirt and my running shoes. When we stepped outside, a cold blast of air hit me in the face. The sky was dark, like pitch black.

We took off running. Our shoes hit the road quick and with a rhythm- pit-pat, pit-pat, pit-pat. Even though we knew our shoes were on the ground, we couldn't see them because it was so dark.

The air was still, no trees were moving, and animals were sleeping. Before I knew it, the run was over and our cheeks were red from the cold. It was a great workout, and I can't wait for next time!

How was your weekend?

Monday, October 4, 2010

Busy Busy Busy!

Whew! What a busy weekend I had! There were so many things I did, it's hard to decide which one to tell you about!

My grandmother and great grandmother and great great grandmother all made quilts. And probably all the women in my family before that. I love to wrap up in a quilt and snuggle on the couch--especially this time of year.

Quilt making is very cool. You have to be creative, be good at math, and have patience. It has been in my family for so long, I don't want it to disappear. No one my age makes quilts. So, guess what? I decided to learn!

Yesterday I went to a class with my grandmother that teaches people how to make quilts. We picked out fabric with colors that worked together. That part was like painting a picture in art. Then, we talked about how to cut small pieces to fit together like a puzzle. That part meant I had to know a lot of math and how to read a ruler. Cutting the little pieces takes a lot of patience, because it's a slow process.

I am going to take this class every Sunday in October and in the end, I will have a little quilt! Sometimes learning new things is kind of scary, but it's also exciting. I can't wait to see my quilt in the end!

What is something you wish you could learn?

Monday, September 27, 2010

Hello, Fall!

I woke up this morning, hooked Hurley up to his leash, and opened the door. A blast of cool hair whipped across my face. I had to smile, it was finally cooling off!

Over the weekend, I went to the fair and got sweaty just standing still! This new weather is a relief to the sweltering hotness we have had in Houston for so long.

I love the fall. It's probably my favorite time of year. I love to drink coffee and hot chocolate, cuddle up in a blanket, and get on the couch! I love all of the fall holidays, and fall clothes.

What is your favorite season?

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Best Nap EVER.

How was your weekend?

I had a great weekend! I worked hard on Saturday to clean my house, do laundry and get all of my chores done. That way, on Sunday afternoon, I had nothing to do! I got a quilt that my great grandmother made and brought it to the couch. Wrapping up inside it, I laid down and listened. The light from outside started to disappear, and I could hear tree branches slapping the sides of my house. Next, big drops of rain beat down on my roof. I closed my eyes and slept while the big dark rain cloud poured down. It was the best nap ever!

Now, I feel rested and ready for a good week at school!

What do you do on rainy days?

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Attack of the Raging Ragweed

I don't know about you, but I was tired this weekend! I really wanted to sleep, so Hurley and I spent a lot of quality time on the couch. For several days I woke up with a runny nose and a little cough. I knew I was under attack. A silent, invisible attack.

Ragweed, trees, mold-- they were coming to get me! I couldn't see them and the only thing I had to defend myself with was a sneeze. And sneeze I did. I sneezed until I thought I had beaten that ugly ragweed, and sent it flying to Antarctica.

The problem is, I think I lost the fight. I still have a runny nose and cough! Maybe it's time to call in reinforcements. The superheros of allergies--medicine!

I'm not giving up... I will win!

Are you allergic to anything?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor Day Food

Mostly, my weekend was restful. I watched movies while it rained and stayed in my PJs all day! I love to do that! When we have a day off from school, I drink 2 cups of coffee and sit with Hurley on the couch for as long as we want to!

I think Labor Day is a great holiday. Labor means work, and so we celebrate our hard work for the year by resting! What a great idea!

Monday evening after relaxing all day, I went to my grandparents house to eat. A lot of people like to cook out on Labor Day. We had a delicious meal with ribs, grits, green beans, corn, chicken and sweet tea. I'm hungry just remembering it!

Although I enjoy having days off, I am glad to be back at school and see all of my kids!

Does your family do anything special for Labor Day?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Hurley's Chocolate Adventure

This weekend, my friend Kellie came into town for a conference in Houston. We were excited about watching movies all night long, and decided to go to the grocery store for some snacks. Kellie set her bags down in the guest room, and we were out the door!

Hurley is about a year and a half old, fully potty trained, and doesn't stay in his crate when I'm away from the house. He's a big boy! Normally when I come home from school, I find toys all over the house and all of the pillows off of the couch. I think he has a pretty good time while I'm away.

Kellie and I arrived home a little later with bags full of tasty treats for movie watching. The first thing I noticed when I walked through the living room, was small wrappers on the couch a floor. Candy bar wrappers. It was pretty clear what had happened while we were away. Hurley had snooped around in Kellie's carry-on bag and found her chocolate candy bars!

Well, anyone who knows much about dogs, knows chocolate isn't good for them. I was worried Hurley would get sick all weekend, and watched him carefully.

But, to our surprise, he was happy and healthy as ever!

It was a good weekend. Kellie and I watched movies, and my grandad had a birthday party!

How was your weekend?