Monday, January 3, 2011

Holiday Happenings

WOW! I cannot believe how much has happened since I last talked to you! Here's what all I did on my break:

- Saw 2 friends get married.
- Ate Indian food for the first time and got Henna on my hand-- look!
- Drove 700 miles home to see my dad and brothers and all of the cows.
- Saw many old friends along the way. I love talking with them and seeing how they are doing!
- Saw lots and lots of family.
- Made Christmas sugar cookies!
- Stayed up till midnight to see 2011!
- Cleaned my house.

While my break was good, I am ready to be back at school. I missed you! I hope all of you had a great break, and that you are ready to be back at school too. :)

Let me know what you did while you were away!