Monday, August 29, 2011

Saturday Morning Breakfast

Every Saturday, my family gets together for breakfast. Aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents-- it is quite a big group!

My grandad wakes up early when the sun is still asleep. He mixes flour and milk together with a few other ingredients to make biscuits. He rolls the dough out on the counter top and makes circles using a little juice cup. Then, he puts the circles in the oven to bake.

While the biscuits are cooking, he makes grits, sizzles bacon, and cooks the sausage. About this time everyone starts to arrive. The biscuits are ready, and he mixes the gravy. Time to eat!

This Saturday, we ate and talked about the first week of school. There are many kids in my family, and many of the adults are teachers!

After breakfast we drank coffee for a little while longer.

I was sad to leave, but I had a lot to get done! It was a great morning.

How was your weekend?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Holiday Happenings

WOW! I cannot believe how much has happened since I last talked to you! Here's what all I did on my break:

- Saw 2 friends get married.
- Ate Indian food for the first time and got Henna on my hand-- look!
- Drove 700 miles home to see my dad and brothers and all of the cows.
- Saw many old friends along the way. I love talking with them and seeing how they are doing!
- Saw lots and lots of family.
- Made Christmas sugar cookies!
- Stayed up till midnight to see 2011!
- Cleaned my house.

While my break was good, I am ready to be back at school. I missed you! I hope all of you had a great break, and that you are ready to be back at school too. :)

Let me know what you did while you were away!